Blog post: PSS visit to Port of Tyne
News |Published: Nov 9, 2024

In November, PSS Skills Lead, Angela Ward, met with the Port of Tyne’s Head of People, Garry Thompson and HSE Leader, James Wright for a tour of the port and to discuss any skills challenges.
The tour was led by James, who gave an overview of the port’s activities and how much it has changed since he started working there 16 years ago.
Garry outlined the current and planned work in early careers to support succession planning. Discussions included graduate programmes, apprenticeships, T Levels and work experience. Skills bootcamps, qualifications for port operations, leadership and management programmes and improving diversity were also discussed.

A lot of ground was covered with suggestions provided by Angela on useful information, resources and skills bulletins on the PSS website and how participation in the Port Skills Group could help learning from and sharing with other members.
Angela highlighted PSS’s current work on career pathways, competencies and apprenticeships. An update on the Women in Ports group, held in partnership with the British Ports Association and UK Major Ports group, was also provided.
Our thanks are extended to the Port of Tyne team for their hospitality and for providing an overview of their operations and succession planning.
Getting out and meeting members is an important part of PSS’s work, both improving the understanding of members’ needs and helping members get the most from their membership. If you would like PSS to visit you, please drop us a line.