Port Safety Group meeting, 24 September 2024

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Published: Oct 3, 2024

On 24 September, Peel Ports Group hosted our latest in-person port safety group (PSG) meeting in Liverpool.

The well-attended event was composed of brilliant presenters and lively discussions. Chris Ingham, from Peel Ports, opened the meeting with an introduction to the Peel Ports Group and an outline of their EHS strategy including the safety systems and tools they have implemented so far.

This was followed with an introduction to PSS’s new Health, Safety and Culture Strategy, before Nicola Jaynes provided an update from the HSE.

Phil Smith and Phil Houghton, from RMS Ports, gave a presentation demonstrating their use of the PSS Emergency Flash Cards and all attendees were all in agreement of how effective the cards were, with many considering implementing them in their ports. If you would like to purchase packs, please see our webpage: Revitalise your emergency drills and toolbox talks – Port Skills & Safety (

An Ask Member’s update was held shortly after and opened the floor for a discussion on the recent enquiry on crane fires. Crane fires – Port Skills & Safety ( There was then a group discussion highlighting the importance of maintaining and improving safety culture, which brought much feedback from attendees.

Neil Dalus from the TT Club introduced his organisation and gave a presentation that centred around loss prevention. This explored the types of claims and their frequency and value in different areas of port operations, this information is useful when considering the likelihood of harm when carrying out risk assessments. He also covered the hidden costs of accidents, such uninsured costs can include reputational damage, operational delays, and management stress.

The day concluded with an informative port tour by coach.

Presentations from the PSG are available to members here.

Next Port Safety Group meeting

The next PSG meeting will be held online on 03 December 2024. Contact us to sign up.

More information about the PSG can be found here. If you are not yet signed up to receive invitations to the PSG, please contact us

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