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Apprenticeships at Peel Ports Group

Apprenticeships |

Peel Ports Group uses apprenticeships to grow its workforce by recruiting and training new entrants into the industry using the nationally recognised apprenticeship standards.

The port has a clear commitment to apprenticeships and pledged to have 5% of its workforce in earn and learn positions.

At Peel Ports Group, we are committed to nurturing young talent and investing in the industry’s future. Our apprentices span various disciplines, including administration, operations, and engineering.

Our talented young recruits have the opportunity to learn practical skills and acquire knowledge from some of the most experienced professionals in the industry. This hands-on learning approach equips our apprentices with the skills and insights they need to excel in their chosen fields.

Rachel Smith, Group HR Director, Peel Ports Group
A group of apprentices in hi-vis vests are around a desk looking at a monitor

During 2023, Peel Ports Group committed to putting all newly recruited port operatives through the port operative apprenticeship standard.

The group currently has 45 port operative apprentices working toward their apprenticeship programmes.

The introduction of the Port Operative level 2 apprenticeship standard has afforded our latest recruits the opportunity to rapidly develop their knowledge, skills and capability in port operations.

The completion of this nationally recognised industry qualification serves as a great start to a very exciting career for our port operatives in the port and shipping industry.

Louise orchard, learning and development specialist, Peel ports group

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